Active Threat Response
If you are notified of an active threat or hear sounds of violence...
Get Out, Hide, and Fight Video
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Scan and assess your situation
Consider your options – Get Out, Hide, Fight
GET OUT only if it is safe to do so:
- Do not get the armed intruder’s attention
- Choose a safe exit and do not re-enter the building
- Do not run in a straight line
- Try to keep objects / cover between you and the armed intruder
- Call 911 when you are safe
- Then notify Security or Facilities – Maintenance & Operations
HIDE find the nearest secure room:
- Close then lock, wedge shut, or barricade doors
- Turn off lights, close all blinds, silence phones and be quiet!
- Stay low and away from doors and windows
- Hide behind architectural features or arrange solid furniture for cover
- Call 911 only if you have a medical emergency or specific information about the armed intruder
- If the fire alarm goes off, stay where you are unless you are in imminent danger from fire or smoke
- No one should open any door once it has been secured until officially advised ‘All Clear’ or are certain it is emergency response personnel at the door
FIGHT only as a last resort when you cannot run or hide and your life is in imminent danger:
- Improvise weapons from nearby objects
- Incapacitate the armed intruder aggressively and quickly as possible
- Call 911 when the intruder is no longer a threat
The incident will be terminated when the RCMP declares ‘All Clear’. Once the ‘All Clear’ is announced, cooperate with instructions of RCMP
Lockdown is similar to HIDE.
When you hear a Lockdown message:
- If in a public area, get to a room that can be locked or barricaded. Only if you are immediately beside an exit should you leave the building. Do not re-enter building.
- Lock classroom/office, if no lock then barricade the door. Close all blinds, silence phone(s), turn off lights, stay inside the room and listen for further messages.
- Distance yourself from doors or windows.
- If the fire alarm goes off, stay where you are unless you smell smoke.
The incident will be terminated when the RCMP declares ‘All Clear’. Once the ‘All Clear’ is announced, cooperate with instructions of RCMP.
Suspicious Package / Bomb Threat
If you become aware of a suspicious package / bomb threat:
- A bomb threat may make reference to an explosive or a Chemical, Biological, Radiological or Nuclear (CBRN) threat or device;
- Call 911
- Then notify Security 780.539.2700 or Facilities – Maintenance & Operations 780.539.2808
- At no time should the fire alarm system be activated
- Cell phone use is discouraged
Facilities – Maintenance and Operations will communicate information to affected NWP area.
- Evacuate area, leave lights on, close doors and windows but keep unlocked,
- Take with you all personal belongings that you have on you (i.e. backpacks, purse),
- Exit building via nearest possible exit unless re-routed by an Evacuation Supervisor and proceed to closest Muster Point.
When the RCMP arrives on scene they will assume overall command.
The incident will be terminated when the RCMP declares ‘All Clear’. Once the ‘All Clear’ is announced, cooperate with instructions of RCMP.