Become a Student Ambassador
The Student Ambassador program is a prestigious student leadership initiative providing our students with volunteer experience, mentoring, and professional development. The program aims to include students in Northwestern Polytechnic recruitment and retention efforts, allowing them the opportunity to "lead from within."
The Role
Student Ambassadors perform vital roles in our on-campus and community events. You will be part of several exciting events, from new student orientations and recruiting initiatives to campus leadership functions, internal committees, and Ambassador-led activities.
Ambassadors develop educational, professional and personal goals, making participation in the program ideal for career development. Students grow organizational and leadership skills through public speaking, networking, dialoguing, and mentorship. Ambassadors are also encouraged to bring forward ideas to enhance the student experience.
The Commitment
Ambassadors should be prepared to commit a minimum of 20 hours per semester and participate in meetings. As our institution's representative and public face, Ambassadors must demonstrate professionalism and contribute to our campus community. Anyone interested should be prepared to partake in promotional opportunities.
The Rewards
As a Student Ambassador, you'll have the opportunity for personal development while you pursue the co-curricular credit. What's a co-curricular credit? It is a prestigious learning experience recognized on your transcript each year you successfully complete the criteria set. Along the way, you'll participate in fun activities, receive the occasional swag, and learn the ins and outs of our institution.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about the Student Ambassador program or would like to become a general volunteer, please email Experience@NWPolytech.ca.