News Archives: GPRC Looks Forward to the Future
Thursday, April 6th, 2017

Twenty-five years ago Carol-Lee Eckhardt—a part-time GPRC Foundation Officer at the time—dreamed up an idea for a fundraiser. They built a time capsule, shaped like a rocket ship, and sold letters to the future.
People put in letters addressed to whoever they wanted, photos, lines to be printed in the Tapestry, the GPRC student newspaper, and items from the Wolves and other departments. The capsule was then sealed into the wall with its hidden treasures where it has remained until this year.
Eckhardt’s own letter to her daughter is sealed away amongst the rest. Twenty-five years ago she sat down at the dining room table with her daughter and her daughter’s friends so they could all write letters to their future selves, creating an excitement that has lasted a quarter of a century.
“It’s like Sleeping Beauty,” said Eckhardt. “It was particularly exciting for little kids. Those little kids that are now over 30 years old.”
The time capsule will be opened so the items can be organized for display. Deb Courvoisier, Visual Arts Coordinator for GPRC, will have the job of sorting through the letters and other items. Courvoisier said she is “looking forward to the detective work” and that all the letters will find their recipients.
Eckhardt is excited to open the time capsule and reflect back on the last 25 years. It is a fun opportunity to “look back to see where you were then. It’s a real measuring stick,” she said.
After the time capsule is opened, it will be updated before it is sealed away again. Before the time capsule closing ceremony in June there will be plenty of time for members of the community and the College to write their own letters for the capsule. For $50, you will be able to send a letter and a photograph to the future, with all funds going to the GPRC Foundation.
“People need to challenge their imaginations and get on board with it. It’s kind of a cool thing to do. It’s selling hopes and dreams,” said Eckhardt. “It can be hard to imagine where you will be after 25 years, but it is fun and optimistic to look toward the future.”
Eckhardt is planning to put a new letter in the time capsule. What that letter will say will be a secret enclosed for the next twenty-five years.
Tickets for GPRC 50th Anniversary – Celebrating Dreams event are available to purchase in person, over the phone at 780-538-0387 or online at
Submissions to the 50th Anniversary Time Capsule alone can be made online at for $50