News Archives: Get to know GPRC Wolves Men's Volleyball Coaching Staff
Thursday, August 13th, 2020

GPRC Wolves Men's Volleyball Head Coach, Sam Tu'ivai.
We caught up with our GPRC Wolves Men’s Volleyball Head Coach, Sam Tu’ivai and Assistant Coaches, Rod Henley, Adam Woods, Troy Wiebe and Paul Kushe to discuss their drive for coaching and their advice to athletes.
Why do you Coach?
Tu’ivai: Volleyball is a fantastic team sport. It creates a lot of opportunity for successes, lifelong friendships, thrilling challenges and personal growth. It also showed me lifelong skills that I believe helped me get to where I am today and foresee myself using in the future. Therefore, coaching has given me the opportunity to share my expertise to those who love the sport (student athletes) and the community. I believe I can guide athletes as to what the game can provide them for the future and what it takes to win. I love volleyball and I am grateful to learn and be part of the thrilling journey each day, week, month and season with our team. I’m blessed to have this opportunity and I’m looking forward to more winning in the future.
Henley: I have had many great coaches impact my life in positive ways and this is my opportunity to give back to athletes who share the same passion for the game.
Woods: It is a way to give back and be involved in the sport. I like teaching, and so there is some personal fulfilment in being a part of someone's personal and athletic development.
Wiebe: I coach because I want to give back to the volleyball community that gave me so much. Volleyball has helped me out in many ways, with work ethic, leadership skills and teamwork. My coaches helped me on and off the court and passed on a lot of knowledge to me. I love that I get the opportunity to share that with more athletes.
Kushe: I coach because it is such a rewarding opportunity to see athletes improve and see success in themselves and build new confidence that was not there at the beginning of the season.
What do the GPRC Men’s Volleyball athletes say about you as a coach?
Tu’ivai: Not very much as they do not like to share it. I see myself as very friendly, open, caring and considerate. I am always pushing them as a team and individually to be better on their own and I believe in time they will tell me what they think.
Henley: My hope is they would say that I am an honest and dedicated coach that truly cares about who they are as individuals first and foremost and that I am there for them on and off the court.
Woods: Probably that I am never there... It would be good to get individual feedback.
Wiebe: I hope they say that I am approachable and easy to talk to, and that I provide insight when needed
Kushe: I am probably known as the coach with the most unpredictable attendance ever!
What message do you want to share with the GPRC Wolves Men’s Volleyball athletes for the upcoming season?
Tu’ivai: To strive not to be good but to be better in every task within your control. Work hard but also work smarter. There is a lot of unknown down the road and we need to work together to adapt and overcome obstacles when they arise. I will be there for your guidance and let’s communicate better this season. Remember, once a wolf, always a wolf.
Henley: My message to the boys is we took a huge step forward in identifying goals and expectations to drive our volleyball program forward. We have learned so much together and must be ready physically and mentally to take another huge step forward toward meeting our goals as individuals and as a team.
Woods: This year is a lesson in adaptability. It has not gone as anyone expected, but there are still a lot of opportunities to improve personally and athletically. You might just have to get creative.
Wiebe: This is going to be a different season as we may not have access to the gym to play volleyball often. I would encourage the team to work out as often as you can, and really increase your strength. In my experience, as a student athlete and a coach, this is one of the biggest things that separates teams at the post-secondary level.
Kushe: I am excited to work with the incoming team and continue to work with the existing student athletes. This season will be the best one yet!
Learn more about the Men’s Volleyball team here.
Find the GPRC Wolves on social media here.