News Archives: ACAC Announces Plans for 2020-21 Season
Friday, June 19th, 2020

To our GPRC Wolves community,
As the province and Alberta’s colleges continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, the Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference (ACAC) has announced the Fall 2020 sport season has been cancelled.
GPRC supports the decision made by the ACAC to suspend athletics as our College continues to prioritize the health of our student athletes, coaches, administration and fans. The wellbeing of our GPRC Wolves community is vital as we work to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Decisions are still to be made regarding the 2020-21 athletic seasons. However, we do know GPRC will not participate in regular season play in sports before January 2021. Timelines are subject to change based on guidelines and orders for safe sport play put forth by the ACAC, Alberta Health Services and the Chief Medical Officer of Health.
Details regarding the procedure of play, schedules, formats and other related decisions will be conducted by the ACAC and released once finalized.
We understand the cancellation of the Fall 2020 sport season is a disappointment to our GPRC community but our College remains committed to its athletics programs and athletes.
Athletics and related activity are a positive contributor to the student experience and to our overall College culture. Sports and athletic activities are paramount within the communities we serve, and GPRC will continue its investment in planning and strengthening future Wolves programming.
We look forward to resuming our ACAC participation with a renewed competitive spirit when it is safe to do so.
To stay up to date with GPRC’s response to COVID-19, visit
Thomas Slifka
Director, GPRC Sport, Fitness & Wellness
For Media, please contact Danielle Smith at