News Archives: GPRC and SAIT continue partnership of offering collaborative business degrees
Monday, May 11th, 2020
GPRC business students (from left) Hannah Kulak, Kate Ochran and Rochelle Patteson.
GRANDE PRAIRIE – Grande Prairie Regional College's (GPRC) collaboration with the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) continues to offer students more options to complete an education at home.
In 2017, GPRC and SAIT struck a partnership agreement to offer a four-year Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a major in Accounting right here at home on the College’s Grande Prairie campus.
Since its introduction, the program enrollment has continued to rise. Students who once enrolled or who are currently enrolled in the diploma program are enjoying the opportunity to continue their education to obtain a Bachelor’s degree without moving institutions.
“This degree brings more opportunity to GPRC. You don’t have to leave, or feel that Grande Prairie is a stepping stone in your education. You don’t have the feeling of if I go to Edmonton, I’m going to get a better education. SAIT has a phenomenal program and the instructors make sure you are really well taken care of and a well-rounded student when you graduate. It also allows you to establish connections and networks with employers in Grande Prairie which creates a stronger sense of community,” says Hannah Kulak, fourth-year Accounting student.
Small class sizes taught by knowledgeable, friendly, and caring instructors are some of the hallmarks of the GPRC Business department. The GPRC and SAIT collaborative program is more than just a collection of courses, students are prepared to collaborate with others and apply cutting-edge business practices.
“The relationships you build in the small college classes are great and having the opportunity to earn a university degree here, at our local college is second-to-none – I love it. The support group here is incredible. I’ve never hesitated to knock on one of my professors’ doors and ask them something – whether it be a life question or a career question, they are here to support you and that’s been my favourite aspect,” says Rochelle Patteson, third-year accounting student.
The program provides a great regional option for students not wanting to relocate or who are unable to leave the area.
“I’ve found familiarity and comfort at GPRC and it’s important to me that I’m not having to start all over again in a different place and have to endure the stress that accompanies a move. I also like being close to home – only 2 hours away – so my support group is not far away. I like being able to travel home when I need to. I love being able to get a degree so close to home,” says Kate Ochran, third-year accounting student originally from High Prairie.
The collaboration provides graduating students with career diversity. They are prepared to join the workforce upon completion as a result of the program as the required courses encapsulate a variety of topics to create well-rounded professionals.
Patteson explains she, “likes the flexibility and the diversity of the program because it’s not a one way degree. Once completed, you can go any way you want with it because everyone is going to need accounting. I also appreciate all the courses. At first, I didn’t feel as if all our courses seemed applicable but now, coming to the end of our degrees, I’m so happy we experienced a variety of courses. Courses such as critical thinking, psychology, presentation skills, courses I never thought were connected brought so much value to being a well-rounded professional. I appreciate how well thought-out the courses are for our futures.”
Applications for the 2020-2021 academic year are now being accepted.
To learn more, or to register for the program, please email SAIT School of Business Academic Advising at, call 403-284-8485, or head to the GPRC Business and Office Administration department webpage. You can also book an appointment to speak with one of GPRC’s recruiters at