News Archives: Tisdale Commits to the Wolves 2020-21 Soccer Program
Wednesday, April 8th, 2020

Recruitment continues for the 2020-21 soccer season. GPRC Wolves Men and Women’s Soccer Head Coach, Chris Morgan has been busy recruiting and is pleased to be adding to the men’s 2020-21 roster.
The newest recruit to the team is, Kelton Tisdale.
Hailing from Chilliwack, British Columbia, Tisdale’s journey to the Wolves began two years ago when he met Head Coach, Chris Morgan at a soccer ID camp. “He took the time to ask me about my soccer experience and future career goals and explained how GPRC could play a big part in making those goals become a reality,” said Tisdale.
Tisdale has received valuable experience in his soccer career so far with an appearance at the British Columbia AAA Boys Provincial Championships with the Sardis Falcons along with a number of Premier Cup wins and League Champions with the Abbottsford Soccer Association in 2018 and 2019.
“I’m looking forward to the challenge of competing at a higher level and learning from the older players. I’m ready to learn and hopefully have it lead to success on and off the field,” said Tisdale.
Head Coach, Chris Morgan is excited to have Tisdale join GPRC. “I saw Kelton at an ID Camp a couple of years ago. He showed tremendous application and desire to improve which I was drawn to immediately. I believe Kelton will be a valuable addition to the Wolves family and I look forward to watching him compete.”
Welcome to the pack, Kelton.
Learn more about your GPRC Wolves here and how you can continue to help support their athletic and academic goals here.