Witow, Kara
Department: Mental Health Services
Title: Mental Health Coordinator
Phone: (780) 539-2754
E-mail: KWitow@nwpolytech.ca
More About Kara
Kara holds a Bachelor of Arts in psychology and a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology with a specialization in applied research. She began her post-secondary studies at Grande Prairie Regional College where her instructors sparked an interest in interdisciplinary study and fostered a love of learning. Kara is passionate about helping students reach their full potential by helping them to see mental health as an essential resource for academic, career, and personal success, and creating a campus culture where mental health is woven into every aspect of academic/post-secondary life. In her spare time Kara coaches, trains, and competes in Brazilian jiu jitsu and is currently pursuing education in sport psychology and mental performance with the goal of helping athletes build the psychological skills they need to perform their best.