Wohlgemuth, Jim

Department: Nursing Education & Health Studies
Title: Instructor
Phone: (780) 539-2709
E-mail: JWohlgemuth@nwpolytech.ca
More About Jim
Jim Wohlgemuth is a graduate of the GPRC Diploma Nursing program (Class of 1993), and holds a BScN through the University of Alberta (2009) and an MN through University of Southern Queensland, Australia (2011). Jim is also a Certified Transcultural Nurse, (CTN-B), a member of the Transcultural Nursing Association.
Jim's clinical nursing background is primarily rural nursing, including emergency, palliative care, and geriatrics, with a short time as nurse manager on a medical nursing unit. Jim began teaching labs and various clinical settings with the Department of Nursing Education & Health Studies at GPRC in September 2007, and currently teaches nursing theory as well. Jim is excited about the future of Northwestern Polytechnic and the recent move of the Department of Nursing to the Grande Prairie Regional Hospital
When not at work, Jims favourite things to do include; spending time with his wife, kids and grandkids, riding his motorcycle, scenic photography and doing projects in his garage.