News Archives: Dr. Gary Borstad
Monday, June 3rd, 2013
Gary Borstad, PhD, is Vice-President, ASL Environmental Sciences Inc.. (Senior Remote Sensing Scientist) – and an Alumnus of GPRC, charter class 1966/67. After beginning his science studies at Grande Prairie Junior College, Gary went on to complete his degree at the UofA and to further study in biological oceanography. He has had a distinguished career at the leading edge of oceanic sciences.
In June of 2011, the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society awarded Dr. Gary Borstad the prestigious Francois J. Saucier Prize in Applied Oceanography for “his long-standing leadership in the application of science to a wide range of applied projects in the oceanographic sciences, with a particular focus on the application of remote sensing to the study of marine processes and ecosystems. His scientific vision in leading more than 200 oceanic/aquatic remote sensing projects worldwide has facilitated Canadian leadership in international oceanic science applications.”
In 2012, Gary was presented the Distinguished Alumni Award by GPRC.
Gary started out in 1978 as an oceanographer for a small consulting company in Sidney, BC, and later became an independent consultant in 1983, doing project work with the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans. He gradually expanded his consulting firm to establish G. A. Borstad Associates Ltd., with a staff of seven.
In 2009, they merged with ASL Environmental Science, and the merged company has grown from 28 to 50 at a time when downsizing is the norm. “We are involved with oil and gas, and doing a lot of oceanography in the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, Greenland, the Mediterranean – many different places. We have a remote sensing group that is more or less focused on the technology. The other side is focused more on oceanography, and largely on oil and gas operations.
Dr. Borstad joined ASL Environmental Sciences Inc. on April 1, 2009 as President and Director of ASL Borstad Remote Sensing Inc., newly formed after the merger of ASL with G. A. Borstad Associates Ltd. He provides scientific and technical leadership in remote sensing, oceanography and biology.