News Archives: Northwestern Polytechnic Focuses on Specialized Classroom Supports
Tuesday, April 30th, 2024
Two new Educational Assistant certificate programs to be offered in Fall 2024.
Northwestern Polytechnic (NWP) is launching two new online certificates that will equip educational assistants with the in-demand skills needed for Alberta classrooms.
Beginning Fall 2024, NWP will be offering an Educational Assistant (EA) certificate specializing in Literacy Supports. An additional Educational Assistant certificate for Inclusion Supports will be added for the Winter 2025 term.
“Educational assistants are invaluable members of the multi-disciplinary teams in schools across the province,” says NWP President and CEO, Dr. Vanessa Sheane. “As classrooms strive for inclusive education, the need for qualified EA staff has grown exponentially. NWP is doing our part to deliver timely workforce solutions.”
The certificates have been designed with convenience and flexibility in mind. Each of the online offerings will take four-months to complete. Along with the virtual classroom component, students will benefit from a work-integrated-learning placement at the end of their studies. The approach ensures that students can easily work towards obtaining their qualification as they continue their employment or tend to their day-to-day commitments.
“These certificates have been collaboratively developed with the support of our community partners in order to address a widely recognized need for qualified educational assistants,” says School of Business Dean, Dr. Jodi Peebles. “At present, EA staff can range from highly specialized professionals to volunteers with more limited qualifications. Our goal is to provide avenues for learners who would like to formalize and enhance their skillset.”
While NWP currently offers a 12-month EA certificate program, the two new additions will allow learners to prioritize specific skill acquisition. The Educational Assistant - Literacy Supports certificate will focus on concepts around foundational literacy while the Educational Assistant - Inclusion Supports will equip graduates to help students with exceptional needs. Once completed, both of these courses can be applied towards NWP's full-year Educational Assistant certificate.
“NWP is delivering a solution for learners across the board,” adds Dr. Peebles. "Not only are we being responsive to traditional barriers to post-secondary education, we are also ensuring that the tools for a fulfilling and very much in-demand career are within reach.”
Learn more about NWP’s Educational Assistant programs and opportunities at