Department of Practical Nursing & Health Care Aide
School of Health

Pursue a Fulfilling Career
With multiple pathways towards a career in health care, the Department of Practical Nurse and Health Care Aide can prescribe you a Health Care Aide certificate or Practical Nurse diploma. With exciting program expansion, students in the region can complete their studies in either Fairview or Grande Prairie.
Our tight-knit faculty comprises dedicated health care professionals with extensive real-world experience. They have the passion and knowledge to mentor and guide students toward a fulfilling profession that makes a meaningful difference in the lives of patients and their families.
Programs We Offer

Madison Lovsin: Careful Opportunities
Thursday, June 29, 2023 | By Karlee Kapler
It was in the eleventh grade that Madison Lovsin knew that she wanted to pursue a career in health care. A family member had been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer and along with other members of her family, Lovsin assisted with their care. Read more about Madison.
Health Education Centre
Situated within the Grande Prairie Regional Hospital, the Centre is a leading-edge teaching and research environment that provides future health care professionals with the know-how to meet patient care and comfort needs.
With a focus on research, The Evaskevich Centre for Health Research and Innovation is dedicated to research surrounding rural, northern, and Indigenous health.
Student Handbooks & Documents
Student handbooks contain important information and specific details related to your program of study. Please read them carefully.
Practical Nurse Student Handbook Practical Nurse Textbook List LPN Requisite Skills Health Care Aide Student Handbook Health Care Aide Textbook ListHealth & Safety Requirements
Protection of Privacy
The personal information that you provide is collected in accordance with Section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP Act) and will be used to determine and verify program requirements to secure practicum placements. The information you provide will be disclosed through HSP Net in accordance with your HSP Net consent form for Use and Disclosure of Student Information. Collected personal information is protected from unauthorized access, collection, use, and disclosure in accordance with the FOIP Act and can be reviewed upon request subject to the provisions under the Act. Questions regarding the collection of personal information may be directed to FOIP@nwpolytech.ca
Important Guidelines for Document Submission
- Checklists are to be completed ONLY by students who have been admitted into the PN program. As outlined below, certain items are due at specific times, so please read carefully.
- All requirements are mandatory. Northwestern Polytechnic is committed to meeting standards of practice by ensuring that students attain and maintain required certifications and meet recommended immunization standards.
- Returning students must ensure checklist requirements are up to date – Contact the department for information.
- Students are responsible for paying any fees associated with obtaining these requirements.
- Copies of your documents must be submitted to: PNchecklist@NWPolytech.ca
- If possible, please submit documents all together in one email. Save your files as a PDFs and ensure the filename matches the form and your student ID number. (Example: Clinical_Placement_Agreement_8675309.pdf). It is a good idea to place all your saved documents in one folder for easy access if you are asked to provide them.
- Please use your student email address and include "Checklist Documents" in the subject line. Sign the email with your name and student ID number.
- If you fail to submit these documents within the specified time frame you will not be cleared for clinical and will be withdrawn from the course.
- Note: Your certifications cannot expire during any clinical experience. To be eligible for clinical, you must recertify within the specified dates. This may mean recertifying before the expiry date listed on your certificate.
- Students who are out of sync must ensure that documents are submitted as required in the applicable timeframe.
- Please see the links below to access the required forms and further instructions. Note: Some forms may require additional time to complete.
- Questions? Please contact our Clinical Placement Coordinator
Year 1
The following items are due by September 30th (Fairview Campus) and January 30th (Grande Prairie Campus) or in your first year, depending on which campus you are attending. They will be discussed and completed in one of your classes during the first few weeks of September or January.
- HSPnet Consent Form
- Clinical Placement Agreement
- PN Personal Declaration
- AHS Confidentiality Training Modules
- AHS Photo ID Badge/Access Card Request Form
- AHS Organizational Learning (Respectful Workplace) Modules
- Immunization and Practicum Disclosure Waiver Form
- Police Information Check Waiver Form
The following items are due between July 1st and July 30th (Fairview Campus) or November 1st and November 30th (Grande Prairie Campus) in your first year.
- Student Immunization Form: (Form to be completed by Public Health. Start working on this as soon as possible, no later than 60 days before the submission window).
- Mask Fit Test (must be dated within the submission window, valid for 2 years).
- Police Information Check with Vulnerable Sector (do not obtain more than 90 days before the submission window).
- Heart and Stroke Basic Life Support (BLS-CPR) Certification (Must be dated within the submission window).
Year 2
The following items are due when completed:
- Annual Immunizations (Example: Flu)
The Health Sciences Placement Network (HSPnet) is a computer system used by educational institutions to arrange all clinical placements for students. Students are encouraged to read the HSPnet Identified Purpose and Handling of Personal Information for further information.
Instructions: Read, sign and submit the Health Sciences Placement Network (HSPnet) to PNchecklist@NWPolytech.ca
Nursing students are privy to healthcare information and are bound by legislation to keep the information they have access to confidential.
Instructions: Please carefully read, sign and submit the Clinical Placement Agreement to PNchecklist@NWPolytech.ca.
On admission students should read and understand the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta (CLPNA) Professional Responsibility and Accountability document.
Instructions: Read the Becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse in Canada Requisite Skills and Abilities document, then sign the Personal Declarations PN Students Form and email to PNchecklist@NWPolytech.ca.
Confidentiality is of the utmost importance in health care. Alberta Health Services requires all students to complete confidentiality training and sign the confidentiality agreement.
Instructions: Complete the online modules here. There is a form at the end of the training modules, please sign and email the form to: PNchecklist@NWPolytech.ca.
Complete the highlighted fields, first name, last name, and position (student) on the AHS Photo ID Badge Form. This is required even if you already have an AHS ID badge, it is needed to request your clinical access. Please note: your student ID picture will also be used for your AHS ID.
Instructions: Email completed form to PNchecklist@NWPolytech.ca. Do NOT send this form to AHS.
The Required Organizational Learning: Respectful Workplaces and Prevention of Harassment and Violence Policy course supports students and instructors to know how to stay safe during their placement by guiding them on how to appropriately prevent and safely respond to incidents of worker-to-worker and patient-to-worker harassment and violence. It also provides training on AHS' Respectful Workplaces and Prevention of Harassment and Violence Policy and Procedure and aligns with provincial Occupational Health and Safety legislation.
Instructions: Once completed please submit your completion certificate found at the end of the course and submit it as part of your checklist.
Instructions: Please read, agree to, sign and submit the Immunization and Practicum Disclosure Waiver Form to PNchecklist@NWPolytech.ca.
Instructions: Please read, agree to, sign and submit the Police Information Check Waiver Form to PNchecklist@NWPolytech.ca.
All nursing students must be immunized according to AHS requirements. Please note that placements may be refused to students who are not compliant with the standard.
Alberta Health Services (AHS) reserves the right to preclude any students who are not up to date with their immunizations from attending clinical placements for the safety of the patients, students, and staff. This decision would be dependent on the situation at that specific clinical location. Failure to attend clinical may result in the course expectations not being met and the student not being successful in the course/program.
It is the student's responsibility to ensure that their immunizations are kept up to date, according to the standard for the duration of the program.
Instructions: Contact your local Public Health Centre to make an appointment to have the Student Immunization Clearance Form completed. Here you will find corresonding Appendix A, B & C. Your Immunization Record must be completed and signed by a health care professional at Public Health. If you are a student from outside Alberta/Canada please start this process prior to your arrival in Alberta. Once completed scan and email a copy to PNchecklist@NWPolytech.ca.
A current N95 mask fit test is required for clinical placements. NWP Continuing Education conducts mask fit testing for a nominal fee. Mask fit tests can be booked here.
Continuing Education can be reached at ce@nwpolytech.ca or by phone at 780 539 2975.
If students are being tested by an external provider please ensure that the mask styles are in compliant with what is currently recommended by AHS.
Instructions: Scan and email your current Mask Fit certificate to: PNchecklist@NWPolytech.ca. Please note that this needs to be completed during the submission window listed above, this will ensure you never expire during clinical.
Important Information
- Students must obtain a Police Information Check with Vulnerable Sector Clearance (PIC) to participate in clinical courses.
- We can now accept digital copies.
If your PIC is unclear, clinical agencies will review your documents to determine if you can participate in clinical experiences at their site. If your PIC is unclear, you must notify the Clinical Placement Coordinator immediately to start this process.
Clinical placement sites that are a part of Alberta Health Services will honour a student's initial Police Information Check for the duration of your program. Clinical placements with other organizations may require a new PIC, dated within 90 days of the start of your clinical course.
If you have any breaks in your nursing program, for any reason, you will need to submit a new Police Information Check with Vulnerable Sector Clearance prior to restarting the program.
Ensure you familiarize yourself with the requirements and process, including fees, identification to bring, and processing times to meet this requirement in an expedient manner. Fees are the responsibility of the student and processing times vary depending on the volume of requests.
Students who are under the age of 18 are not able to obtain a PIC and should wait until they turn 18 to complete this requirement. Please email your Clinical Placement Coordinator so they can make note on your student file.
MyCRC.ca police information checks are not accepted.
Instructions: Obtain Police Information Check with Vulnerable Sector Clearance (PIC) from your local police detachment and scan and send a copy to PNchecklist@nwpolytech.ca. Ensure that the PIC is dated within 90 days of the submission window.
Students must have current Heart and Stroke Foundation: Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider - CPR. No other courses will be accepted. Online Blended CPR certification through Heart and Stroke is only accepted if you have completed the in-person component and are fully certified as a BLS - Provider. Students are responsible for covering the cost of the training.
Alberta Health Services (AHS) requires BLS - CPR to be renewed annually. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that their BLS Provider - CPR is current. Students must complete and submit recertification for each year of the program. Students who do not submit during the submission window will be withdrawn from their clinical courses.
BLS - CPR courses are offered through NWP Continuing Education or students are welcome to find their own training provider as long as it is Heart and Stroke - BLS
Instructions: Scan and email your current CPR certificate to: PNchecklist@NWPolytech.ca. Please note that this needs to be completed during the submission window listed above, this will ensure you never expire during clinical.
Important Guidelines for Document Submission
- Checklists are to be completed ONLY by students who have been admitted into the HCA program. As outlined below, certain items are due at specific times, so please read carefully.
- All requirements are mandatory. Northwestern Polytechnic is committed to meeting standards of practice by ensuring that students attain and maintain required certifications and meet recommended immunization standards.
- Returning students must ensure checklist requirements are up to date – Contact the department for information.
- Students are responsible for paying any fees associated with obtaining these requirements.
- Copies of your documents must be submitted to: HCAchecklist@NWPolytech.ca
- If possible, please submit documents all together in one email. Save your files as a PDFs and ensure the filename matches the form and your student ID number. (Example: Clinical_Placement_Agreement_8675309.pdf). It is a good idea to place all your saved documents in one folder for easy access if you are asked to provide them.
- Please use your student email address and include "Checklist Documents" in the subject line. Sign the email with your name and student ID number.
- If you fail to submit these documents within the specified time frame you will not be cleared for clinical and will be withdrawn from the course.
- Note: Your certifications cannot expire during any clinical experience. To be eligible for clinical, you must recertify within the specified dates. This may mean recertifying before the expiry date listed on your certificate.
- Students who are out of sync must ensure that documents are submitted as required in the applicable timeframe.
- Please see the links below to access the required forms and further instructions. Note: Some forms may require additional time to complete.
- Questions? Please contact our Clinical Placement Coordinator
Year 1
The following items are due by September 30th (Grande Prairie Campus) and January 30th (Fairview Campus) or in your first year, depending on which campus you are attending. They will be discussed and completed in one of your classes during the first few weeks of September or January.
- HSPnet Consent Form
- Clinical Placement Agreement
- HCA Personal Declaration
- AHS Confidentiality Training Modules
- AHS Photo ID Badge/Access Card Request Form
- AHS Organizational Learning (Respectful Workplace) Modules
- Immunization and Practicum Disclosure Waiver Form
- Police Information Check Waiver Form
- Student Immunization Form: (Form to be completed by Public Health. Start working on this as soon as possible, no later than 60 days before the submission window).
- Mask Fit Test (must be dated within the submission window, valid for 2 years).
- Police Information Check with Vulnerable Sector (do not obtain more than 90 days before the submission window).
- Heart and Stroke Basic Life Support (BLS-CPR) Certification (Must be dated within the submission window).
The Health Sciences Placement Network (HSPnet) is a computer system used by educational institutions to arrange all clinical placements for students. Students are encouraged to read the HSPnet Identified Purpose and Handling of Personal Information for further information.
Instructions: Read, sign and submit the Health Sciences Placement Network (HSPnet) to HCAchecklist@NWPolytech.ca
Nursing students are privy to healthcare information and are bound by legislation to keep the information they have access to confidential.
Instructions: Please carefully read, sign and submit the Clinical Placement Agreement to HCAchecklist@NWPolytech.ca.
On admission students should read and understand the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta (CLPNA) Becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse in Canada Requisite Skills and Abilities document
Instructions: Read the Becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse in Canada Requisite Skills and Abilities document, then sign the Personal Declarations HCA Students Form and email to HCAchecklist@NWPolytech.ca.
Confidentiality is of the utmost importance in health care. Alberta Health Services requires all students to complete confidentiality training and sign the confidentiality agreement.
Instructions: Complete the online modules here. There is a form at the end of the training modules, please sign and email the form to: HCAchecklist@NWPolytech.ca.
Complete the highlighted fields, first name, last name, and position (student) on the AHS Photo ID Badge Form. This is required even if you already have an AHS ID badge, it is needed to request your clinical access. Please note: your student ID picture will also be used for your AHS ID.
Instructions: Email completed form to HCAchecklist@NWPolytech.ca. Do NOT send this form to AHS.
The Required Organizational Learning: Respectful Workplaces and Prevention of Harassment and Violence Policy course supports students and instructors to know how to stay safe during their placement by guiding them on how to appropriately prevent and safely respond to incidents of worker-to-worker and patient-to-worker harassment and violence. It also provides training on AHS' Respectful Workplaces and Prevention of Harassment and Violence Policy and Procedure and aligns with provincial Occupational Health and Safety legislation.
Instructions: Once completed please submit your completion certificate found at the end of the course and submit it as part of your checklist.
Instructions: Please read, agree to, sign and submit the Immunization and Practicum Disclosure Waiver Form to HCAchecklist@NWPolytech.ca.
Instructions: Please read, agree to, sign and submit the Police Information Check Waiver Form to HCAchecklist@NWPolytech.ca.
All nursing students must be immunized according to AHS requirements. Please note that placements may be refused to students who are not compliant with the standard.
Alberta Health Services (AHS) reserves the right to preclude any students who are not up to date with their immunizations from attending clinical placements for the safety of the patients, students, and staff. This decision would be dependent on the situation at that specific clinical location. Failure to attend clinical may result in the course expectations not being met and the student not being successful in the course/program.
It is the student's responsibility to ensure that their immunizations are kept up to date, according to the standard for the duration of the program.
Instructions: Contact your local Public Health Centre to make an appointment to have the Student Immunization Clearance Form completed. Here you will find corresonding Appendix A, B & C. Your Immunization Record must be completed and signed by a health care professional at Public Health. If you are a student from outside Alberta/Canada please start this process prior to your arrival in Alberta. Once completed scan and email a copy to HCAchecklist@NWPolytech.ca.
A current N95 mask fit test is required for clinical placements. NWP Continuing Education conducts mask fit testing for a nominal fee. Mask fit tests can be booked here.
Continuing Education can be reached at ce@nwpolytech.ca or by phone at 780 539 2975.
If students are being tested by an external provider please ensure that the mask styles are in compliant with what is currently recommended by AHS.
Instructions: Scan and email your current Mask Fit certificate to: HCAchecklist@NWPolytech.ca. Please note that this needs to be completed during the submission window listed above, this will ensure you never expire during clinical.
Important Information
- Students must obtain a Police Information Check with Vulnerable Sector Clearance (PIC) to participate in clinical courses.
- We can now accept digital copies.
If your PIC is unclear, clinical agencies will review your documents to determine if you can participate in clinical experiences at their site. If your PIC is unclear, you must notify the Clinical Placement Coordinator immediately to start this process.
Clinical placement sites that are a part of Alberta Health Services will honour a student's initial Police Information Check for the duration of your program. Clinical placements with other organizations may require a new PIC, dated within 90 days of the start of your clinical course.
If you have any breaks in your nursing program, for any reason, you will need to submit a new Police Information Check with Vulnerable Sector Clearance prior to restarting the program.
Ensure you familiarize yourself with the requirements and process, including fees, identification to bring, and processing times to meet this requirement in an expedient manner. Fees are the responsibility of the student and processing times vary depending on the volume of requests.
Students who are under the age of 18 are not able to obtain a PIC and should wait until they turn 18 to complete this requirement. Please email your Clinical Placement Coordinator so they can make note on your student file.
MyCRC.ca police information checks are not accepted.
Instructions: Obtain Police Information Check with Vulnerable Sector Clearance (PIC) from your local police detachment and scan and send a copy to HCAchecklist@NWPolytech.ca. Ensure that the PIC is dated within 90 days of the submission window.
Students must have current Heart and Stroke Foundation: Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider - CPR. No other courses will be accepted. Online Blended CPR certification through Heart and Stroke is only accepted if you have completed the in-person component and are fully certified as a BLS - Provider. Students are responsible for covering the cost of the training.
Alberta Health Services (AHS) requires BLS - CPR to be renewed annually. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that their BLS Provider - CPR is current. Students must complete and submit recertification for each year of the program. Students who do not submit during the submission window will be withdrawn from their clinical courses.
BLS - CPR courses are offered through NWP Continuing Education or students are welcome to find their own training provider as long as it is Heart and Stroke - BLS
Instructions: Scan and email your current CPR certificate to: HCAchecklist@NWPolytech.ca. Please note that this needs to be completed during the submission window listed above, this will ensure you never expire during clinical.
Students must have WHMIS certification that is current within three years from program start date. Any training provider is accepted, and online certifications are accepted.
WHMIS courses are offered through Continuing Education department or students are welcome to find their own training provider.
Instructions: Email a copy of your current WHMIS Certificate to: HCAchecklist@NWPolytech.ca.
Contact Us
For more information about the department and the programs we offer, please contact:
Practical Nurse and Health Care Aide | |
Office: HEC320 Phone: 780-539-2750 Web: Visit Homepage |