Our Collection of Yearbooks
Grande Prairie Regional College's charter students captured the first year of their experiences in a yearbook they titled "Quo Vadis" translated as "Whither Thou Goest". Ron Goede was the editor of the first yearbook and in his Editor's Message expressed the spirit and excitement of that first group of GPRC students:
"Being charter students we had a unique experience; we made close friends with instructors as well as fellow students. It was the desire of the yearbook staff in presenting this book to help you remember this year as something special and to cherish it as one of your most memorable experiences."
The yearbook was a tradition that continued until the early 1980s and now gives us a unique student's eye view into the past of GPRC. We have had a lot of fun digitizing our collection of yearbooks and invite you to click through the years of student success at GPRC.
There are some yearbooks we weren't able to locate but would love to complete our collection - if you have any of the yearbooks we're missing, please contact us at communications@gprc.ab.ca and we ill scan it for our collection and then return it to you.